Good Neighbor Day

Four Ways to Celebrate National Good Neighbor Day

Every year on September 28, the country celebrates National Good Neighbor Day. The very first Good Neighbor Day was declared on September 24, 1978, by President Jimmy Carter. This day creates an opportunity for communities to come together and celebrate with each other. If you are new to your neighborhood, this is the perfect opportunity to meet the people who live closest to you. Here are four ways to honor this day and your friends all year round.

Celebrate. Keep a calendar of your neighbors’ birthdays, anniversaries, etc. and let them know you know! A simple card slipped under the doormat will be certain to brighten their day!

Pay it forward. Just like the drive-thru at Starbucks, encourage that type of experience at home with your neighbors. Out of the blue do something nice like drop off a gift card for pizza or bring them a baked treat and encourage them to do the same for another household to keep the chain going. 

Help when it’s needed. Unfortunately, there are times where our neighbors need us more than others. If you know someone who is going through an unfortunate event like a health crisis, divorce, job loss, etc., set up meal train or a shared opportunity to help with shopping or household chores like housekeeping and yard work with other people who live nearby.

Watch the kids. If you have neighbors with young children and the parents look like they need a break, they probably do! Volunteer to watch their kids for the evening or during the day, so they can enjoy a child free date.

If you are continuing your search for a new home, please know Cornerstone Communities is still building homes throughout the county of San Diego and Temecula. To see our homes, we are offering virtual tours on our website, you can chat with us online or we can schedule a private in-person appointment with you.

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