Five Ways To Keep Your Home Safe
If you’re looking to reinforce the safety of your home to keep you, your family and your prized possessions safe, there are a variety of simple activities you can do or items you can purchase to keep you all feeling secure. Here’s a checklist you can keep and refer back to you as needed.
Lock your car. Of course, locking your cars keeps thieves from stealing items inside, but it also keeps them from being able to access your house via the garage door opener. And while you’re at it, be sure to always lock the door in the garage just in case you don’t lock your car.
Lock your windows and doors. This seems obvious, but it’s surprising how many people forget to do this either when they leave the house or go to bed.
Don’t keep valuables in front of open windows or doors. A snatch and grab crime can happen quickly and stealthily if your front door is open and your purse is right inside. A sneaky and quick thief could grab it and you might not even know.
Change your locks. If you decide to move into a previously lived-in home, you may want to consider changing the locks. Even if you think the previous homeowners are trustworthy, you never know who they gave out keys to throughout their time living there.
Use lights. During the nighttime, keep lights on all evening. And the old standby trick of putting indoor lights on timers or smart apps is always a good idea to make it look like you’re at home.
If you are continuing your search for a new home, please know Cornerstone Communities is still building homes throughout the county of San Diego and Temecula. To see our homes, we are offering virtual tours on our website, you can chat with us online or we can schedule a private in-person appointment with you.