New Home Expenses

Costs to Expect Once You Buy a New House

Once you’ve purchased your new Cornerstone Communities home, the excitement begins! After having your picture taken in our sales office and you’ve signed all the necessary paperwork, it’s now time to start thinking about your giant to do list and also the items you’ll need to start saving for once you move into your new beautiful home. We’re here to help you with this checklist, so you have no surprises.

Moving Expenses. This could be one of your most expensive items on your to do list, but you don’t have to spend a fortune. Determine first if you want full-service move. If so, get quotes from reputable movers to find out how much they’ll charge. To keep the costs down, you can move your own items but figure in the cost of moving supplies, truck rental, helpers, etc. and budget accordingly.

Utilities. You’ll need to set these up at your new residence, and depending on your history with a utility company, you may or may not have to pay a security deposit. There also could be set up charges. Call the customer service representative of each utility in advance of your move date and check to see exactly what you’ll need to outlay for that first month or two.

Appliances. Did your home come with an appliance package? Or do you want to upgrade the ones you have? If so, start to shop around to get an idea of how much you’ll need to spend to get exactly what you want. You may have older appliances already you want to sell, so you can factor in what you’ll make from those into the cost of new ones.

Home maintenance. Will you want to have a gardener or a cleaning service as soon as you move in? Ask your new neighbors or post a query on social media to find providers in your area who may already be working in that area. Interview a few people to gauge their work and how much you can expect to be charged at your new home.

Furniture. Now that you have a new home, you may not want to bring a lot of the furniture you already have with you. If this is the case, consider selling or donating your old items, and then budget for the new ones. If possible start slowly to amortize the cost over a few months instead of getting everything at once.

If you are continuing your search for a new home, please know Cornerstone Communities is still building homes throughout the county of San Diego and Temecula. To see our homes, we are offering virtual tours on our website, you can chat with us online or we can schedule a private in-person appointment with you.

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