New Year Resolutions for Your Home

This year along with making new year resolutions for yourself, how about including your home in the mix! There are lots of things you can do to keep your home happy, healthy and show worthy! This list will help you prioritize what your house may need over the coming year.

Cut the clutter. Let this be the year you get rid of all of the items that are wearing you and your home down. Consider using and having less to make your rooms feel larger and airier. Sometimes the adage “less is more” really does make sense!

Save energy. And this is nearly always followed with “and save money!” Take a wander around your home and take note of where you can incorporate energy saving devices from smart thermostats to LED lighting to cutting back water consumption. Ask your energy and water company to give you hints where it makes sense for you to cut back.

Safety first. Make a commitment to checking your smoke, fire and carbon monoxide alarms topped up with new batteries – the rule of thumb is to replace them when the time changes. Ensure outside cracks and broken structures are repaired promptly to avoid injury.

Home improvement. If you live in an older home, is it time to make an upgrade? Is the paint on your wall starting to fade? Is your kitchen becoming dated? If so, set a goal to complete (or hire out) one or two major facelifts during the year.

Keep your fridge and pantry tidy. It’s easy to let these spaces become a little wild. Instead of putting things away without thinking, come up with a system that will allow you to reach for items easily and to be able to keep an eye on perishables. In the pantry, compartmentalize areas for canned goods, snacks, baking items, etc. Like all organized spaces, they will be easier to navigate when you need something.

If you are continuing your search for a new home, please know Cornerstone Communities is still building homes in San Diego county. To see our homes, we are offering virtual tours on our website, you can chat with us online or we can schedule a private in-person appointment with you.

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