Saving Money

Five Easy Ways to Save Money at Home

The best and easiest place to start saving money is at home. While rummaging through the laundry and sofa cushions can be, oddly, rewarding, real dollars and cents can be saved by simply changing a few habits and keeping on top of utilities and services. Following are five ways to find some extra money each month without leaving home.

  1. Do your own cleaning and gardening. If you’re used to having help in these two areas but are desperately trying to save a little money, consider either cutting back these services or giving them up all together. You can even “pause” them for a couple of months just to see if you’re up for the challenge. You’ll also see exactly how much money you can save.
  1. Cut the cable cord. Join the hundreds of thousands of people who have realized streaming is in and advertisements are out. You may need some time to get used to the options, but after a few months, the money you save monthly will be all you need to enjoy your favorite late night TV show the following day.
  1. Learn to sew. Well, maybe not sew, but mend? It’s easy to toss that shirt the button came off and replace it. Instead, pull out that little sewing kit you got at a recent hotel stay and sew that button back on! It’ll only take a minute; you’ll save a future purchase, and you may start a new hobby!
  1. Evaluate your insurance policies. Insurance policies like homeowners and auto are not relationships you need to keep forever. When it’s renewal time, do a little research to see if you’re getting the best value. Switching may take a little extra time, but you could save a lot of money each month by doing so.
  1. Use the 10-second rule. If you’re out shopping – from the market to the mall – pick up everything in your cart or dressing room and think for 10 seconds, “Why am I buying this?” Answering this question honestly will keep impulse purchases to a minimum.

If you are continuing your search for a new home, please know Cornerstone Communities is still building homes throughout the county of San Diego and Temecula. To see our homes, we are offering virtual tours on our website, you can chat with us online or we can schedule a private in-person appointment with you.


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